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· 2 min read

The task of industrial internet of things (IIOT) is to empower all devices and processes in the factory to self-report in real time. In other words, you want access to the data that is in the machines on the factory floor.

Noticed I said task, not objective. You are not collecting and processing data for the sake of processing data. Your objective is to use data to do what you do better. In fact, you want to become better at using data to do what you do better.

· One min read

We use the word ClickOps and we use it disparagingly. We would be remiss if we did not define it.

· 3 min read

Corporate technology leaders and software vendors alike are facing a daunting fact: not all enterprise software will be able to run in the cloud. The cloud must be augmented with edge computing.

· 3 min read

There is a gulf between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Both groups deal with similar things, software, computers, automation, so one would expect them to be the same, but they are not.

· One min read

Happy New Year and welcome to Edgecell! We are exited to launch our new platform with the new year.